Securing a design patent is a valuable step in protecting your innovative and ornamental designs. By understanding the requirements and following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can navigate the design patent application process with confidence. Remember the significance of accurate patent drawings and consider utilizing professional patent drawing services to enhance your chances of success. Obtaining a design patent can provide your business with a competitive edge and safeguard your unique designs from unauthorized

Understanding Design Patents

Design patents are a crucial aspect of intellectual property protection, specifically focusing on the visual appearance of an object. Unlike utility patents that protect the functional aspects of an invention, design patents exclusively safeguard the unique and ornamental features of a product. In this section, we will delve into the fundamentals of design patents, their importance, and the key differences between design patents and utility patents.

What is a Design Patent?

A design patent is a legal protection granted by a government authority that provides the patent holder with exclusive rights to a particular design. This design may pertain to a wide range of objects, including consumer products, industrial designs, fashion accessories, and graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Design patents safeguard the visual appearance of an object, covering its shape, configuration, surface ornamentation, and overall aesthetics.

Importance of Design Patents

Obtaining a design patent offers several benefits to inventors, designers, and businesses:

Exclusive Rights: A design patent grants the holder exclusive rights to the protected design. This prevents others from using, making, or selling products that feature substantially similar designs without permission. It provides legal recourse in case of infringement and protects against copycats.

Market Advantage: A design patent allows inventors and businesses to differentiate their products in the marketplace. It safeguards the distinct visual appeal that may attract consumers, establishing a competitive edge and brand recognition.

Branding and Reputation: Design patents contribute to the overall brand identity and reputation of a company. Unique and visually appealing designs can become synonymous with a particular brand, creating customer loyalty and market value.

Key Differences Between Design Patents and Utility Patents

While both design patents and utility patents fall under the realm of intellectual property, they protect different aspects of an invention:

  • Subject Matter: Design patents protect the non-functional, ornamental aspects of a product’s visual appearance. Utility patents, on the other hand, safeguard the functional and technical aspects of an invention, covering its structure, composition, and operation.
  • Duration: Design patents typically have a shorter duration compared to utility patents. In most countries, design patents last for a term of 15 to 25 years from the date of filing, whereas utility patents often have a term of 20 years.
  • Scope of Protection: Design patents focus on the overall visual impression of a design, regardless of its underlying functionality. In contrast, utility patents protect the functional aspects, including how an invention works, its process, and its tangible benefits.
  • Application Process: The application process for design patents differs from that of utility patents. Design patents primarily rely on visual representations, such as drawings or photographs, to illustrate the design. Utility patents require detailed descriptions, and claims, and often include technical drawings to explain the invention’s functionality.

Criteria for Design Patentability

 When seeking a design patent, it is important to understand the criteria that determine the patentability of a design. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and other patent offices around the world have specific requirements that a design must meet in order to be eligible for patent protection. In this section, we will explore the key criteria for design patentability, including novelty, non-obviousness, and ornamental design.

  • Novelty: Novelty is a fundamental requirement for obtaining a design patent. To meet the novelty criterion, a design must be new and not identical or substantially similar to any prior design that has been publicly disclosed before the filing date of the patent application. This includes designs that have been previously patented, published, or in public use. To determine novelty, it is crucial to conduct a thorough prior art search. This involves searching for existing designs that are similar to the one you wish to protect. If a design is found to be identical or substantially similar to the prior art, it may not meet the novelty requirement and could be rejected during the patent examination process.
  • Non-Obviousness: The non-obviousness criterion assesses whether a design would have been obvious to a person skilled in the relevant field of design at the time the design was created. It implies that the design must possess a level of originality and inventiveness beyond what would be considered obvious to someone knowledgeable in the field. Determining non-obviousness involves evaluating the differences between the claimed design and the existing designs found during the prior art search. If the differences are substantial and not obvious modifications or combinations of existing designs, the design may meet the non-obviousness requirement.
  • Ornamental Design: Design patents protect the visual appearance of a product rather than its functional aspects. Therefore, the design must be primarily ornamental rather than functional. Functional elements are better suited for utility patents.

It is important to differentiate between functional and ornamental aspects of a design. Functional features are those that serve a utilitarian purpose or contribute to the functionality of the object, while ornamental features are purely aesthetic in nature. Design patents focus on protecting the ornamental aspects of a design, such as unique shapes, surface patterns, and decorative elements.

When preparing a design patent application, it is crucial to emphasize the ornamental features in the drawings and descriptions to clearly demonstrate that the design is primarily intended to be visually appealing.

Preparing for Design Patent Application

Before filing a design patent application, thorough preparation is essential to ensure a smooth and successful process. This section will guide you through the necessary steps to prepare for a design patent application, including conducting a prior art search, engaging a patent attorney, and creating accurate patent drawings.

Conducting a Prior Art Search:

A prior art search involves researching existing designs that are similar to the one you wish to protect with a design patent. The purpose of this search is to assess the novelty of your design and identify any potential conflicts with prior designs. It helps to determine if your design meets the novelty requirement.

To conduct a comprehensive prior art search:

a) Utilize online databases, such as the USPTO’s Patent Database and international patent databases, to search for design patents and other relevant publications.

b) Explore non-patent literature sources, including academic journals, industry publications, and product catalogs.

c) Seek professional assistance from a patent search firm or a patent attorney specialized in design patents. They have access to extensive resources and expertise to conduct thorough searches.

Engaging a Patent Attorney:

Working with a qualified patent attorney who specializes in design patents can greatly enhance your chances of success. They possess the necessary knowledge and experience to guide you through the intricacies of the application process. Here are key considerations when selecting a patent attorney:

  • a) Expertise: Look for an attorney with a strong background in design patents and a proven track record of successful applications.
  • b) Communication: Choose an attorney who communicates effectively and understands your specific design requirements and objectives.
  • c) Legal Representation: Ensure the attorney is licensed to practice before the relevant patent office, such as the USPTO If you are filing in the United States.
  • d) Budget: Discuss the attorney’s fees and clarify the costs associated with the entire application process.

Creating Accurate Patent Drawings:

Patent drawings are a crucial component of a design patent application. They visually depict the design and play a vital role in conveying its unique aspects. Here are some key considerations when creating patent drawings:

  • a) Clarity and Detail: The drawings should be clear, detailed, and accurately represent the design from multiple angles. They should clearly show the unique visual features of the design.
  • b) Compliance with Regulations: Follow the specific guidelines and regulations provided by the patent office where you are filing. For example, the USPTO has specific requirements regarding size, margins, numbering, and shading.
  • c) Professional Assistance: Consider hiring professional patent drawing services to ensure accuracy, compliance, and high-quality renderings. These services have expertise in creating drawings that meet patent office requirements.

Drafting the Written Description:

 In addition to patent drawings, a written description is required in a design patent application. While the written description does not need to be as detailed as in utility patents, it should provide sufficient information to support the visual elements shown in the drawings. Key considerations when drafting the written description include:

  • a) Clear Language: Use clear and concise language to describe the design’s distinctive features and their arrangement.
  • b) Key Components: Identify and describe the key components, shapes, surface patterns, or ornamental elements that contribute to the overall visual appearance.
  • c) Comparative Language: If necessary, use comparative language to distinguish the design from the prior art and emphasize its unique aspects.


Filing a Design Patent Application

Filing a design patent application involves several steps and requires adherence to specific guidelines and regulations. In this section, we will guide you through the process of filing a design patent application, including completing the application, submitting it to the relevant patent office, and responding to office actions.

Completing the Application:

The first step in filing a design patent application is to complete the application form. In the United States, the application is filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The application form requires the following information:

  • a) Title of the Design: The title should be descriptive of the design, and should include any special features or functions.
  • b) Inventor(s): The name(s) of the inventor(s) should be listed in the application. In the case of multiple inventors, each inventor’s contribution to the design should be indicated.
  • c) Applicant: The applicant is the person or entity that is filing the application. The applicant may be the inventor or a legal representative.
  • d) Priority Claim: If the design is based on an earlier application, a priority claim may be filed. This claim must be filed within six months of the earlier application.
  • e) Drawings: The application must include accurate and complete drawings that depict the design from all angles.


Filing the Application:

Once the application is completed, it must be filed with the relevant patent office. In the United States, the application may be filed electronically through the USPTO’s Electronic Filing System (EFS-Web) or in paper format by mail. The filing fee must also be paid at the time of filing.

Review by the Patent Office:

After filing, the application is reviewed by the patent office to ensure it meets all the requirements for patentability. The patent office may issue an office action, which outlines any issues with the application that need to be addressed. The most common reasons for receiving an office action are:

  • a) Formal Requirements: The patent office may issue an office action if there are issues with the application’s format, drawings, or description.
  • b) Obviousness: The patent office may issue an office action if they believe the design is obvious or too similar to existing designs.
  • c) Novelty: The patent office may issue an office action if they believe the design is not novel and does not meet the novelty requirement.

Responding to Office Actions:

If the patent office issues an office action, the applicant has the opportunity to respond and address any issues identified by the office. The response must be filed within a specific timeframe, typically three months from the date of the office action. Failure to respond to the office action will result in the application being abandoned.

Issuance of the Design Patent:

If the patent office determines that the design is novel and meets all the requirements for patentability, the design patent will be granted. Once the design patent is granted, the owner has the exclusive right to use, make, and sell the design for a period of 15 years from the date of issuance.

Navigating the Patent Examination Process

Once a design patent application is filed, it undergoes an examination process by the patent office to determine its patentability. This process involves a review of the application, including the design, drawings, and written description, to ensure compliance with the requirements for obtaining a design patent. In this section, we will guide you through the key aspects of the patent examination process.

Formal Examination:

The patent office conducts a formal examination to ensure that the application meets the administrative requirements. This includes verifying that the application includes all necessary forms, fees, and required information. The formal examination also checks for compliance with specific formatting and drawing requirements set by the patent office.

Substantive Examination:

During the substantive examination, the patent office reviews the design and assesses its compliance with the legal requirements for patentability. The examination typically focuses on the following aspects:

  • a) Novelty: The design must be new and not identical or substantially similar to any prior design. The patent examiner will conduct a search for prior art to determine the novelty of the design. If the examiner finds prior art that raises concerns about the novelty of the design, an office action may be issued.
  • b) Non-Obviousness: The design must also exhibit a level of non-obviousness. This means that the design should not have been obvious to a person skilled in the field of design at the time of its creation. The examiner will assess the differences between the design and the prior art to determine whether the design involves an inventive step.
  • c) Ornamental Design: The design must be primarily ornamental in nature, rather than functional. The examiner will evaluate the design’s features and determine if they primarily serve an ornamental purpose or contribute to the visual appearance of the product.

Office Actions:

If the examiner identifies any issues or objections during the examination process, an office action is issued. An office action outlines the reasons for rejection or objection and provides an opportunity for the applicant to respond and address the concerns raised by the examiner.

Types of office actions may include:

  • a) Formality Rejection: This occurs if the application does not meet the formal requirements, such as incorrect forms or missing information. The applicant is given an opportunity to correct these issues.
  • b) Substantive Rejection: This occurs when the examiner finds issues with novelty, non-obviousness, or ornamental design. The applicant must respond with arguments, amendments, or additional evidence to overcome the rejection.

Response to Office Actions:

When an office action is issued, it is essential to carefully review the examiner’s concerns and respond effectively. The response may involve providing arguments, amending the application, or presenting additional evidence to address the examiner’s objections. It is advisable to work closely with a patent attorney during this stage to ensure a comprehensive and persuasive response.

Notice of Allowance and Issuance:

 If the examiner is satisfied with the response and determines that the design meets the patentability requirements, a Notice of Allowance is issued. The Notice of Allowance indicates that the design patent is allowed to proceed to the final stage of the process. Once all fees are paid, the patent office issues the design patent, granting exclusive rights to the owner.

Design Patent Issuance and Maintenance

Once a design patent application successfully navigates the examination process and meets all the requirements for patentability, the patent office issues the design patent. This section will guide you through the issuance of a design patent and the subsequent maintenance to ensure the continued protection of your design.

Notice of Allowance:

After overcoming any rejections or objections during the examination process, the patent office issues a Notice of Allowance. This notice indicates that the design patent is allowed to proceed to the final stages of issuance. It also includes the required fees and instructions for completing the process.

Payment of Issue Fee:

Upon receiving the Notice of Allowance, the applicant must pay the issue fee within the specified timeframe. The issue fee covers the cost of publishing the patent and finalizing the patent grant. Failure to pay the issue fee within the deadline may result in the application being abandoned.

Publication of Design Patent:

After the issue fee is paid, the patent office publishes the design patent. Publication typically occurs within a few months after payment. The publication makes the design patent part of the public record, allowing others to access information about the protected design.

Design Patent Grant:

Following publication, the patent office reviews the application one final time to ensure that all requirements are met. Upon successful completion of this review, the patent office issues the design patent grant. The grant establishes the legal protection and exclusivity of the design for the specified term.

Term and Maintenance:

Design patents have a term of protection, which varies depending on the jurisdiction. In the United States, design patents have a term of 15 years from the date of grant. It is crucial to maintain the design patent throughout its term to ensure continued protection. Here are some key points to consider:

  • a) Maintenance Fees: In some jurisdictions, including the United States, maintenance fees are required to keep the design patent in force. These fees are typically due at specific intervals during the term of the patent. Failure to pay the maintenance fees can result in the patent expiring before the full term.
  • b) Marking the Product: It is advisable to mark the product with the design patent number once the patent is granted. This serves as notice to others that the design is protected and can discourage potential infringement.
  • c) Monitoring and Enforcing Rights: Throughout the term of the design patent, it is important to monitor the market for potential infringement. If unauthorized use of the design is discovered, legal action can be taken to enforce the rights and protect the design.

Patent Portfolio Management:

Design patent issuance and maintenance are part of an overall patent portfolio management strategy. It is essential to review and assess the design patent portfolio periodically. This includes evaluating the commercial value of each design, identifying any designs that are no longer relevant, and considering the potential for design improvements or new design applications.



Obtaining a design patent can be a rewarding and valuable endeavor for individuals and businesses looking to protect their unique designs. In this comprehensive guide, we have covered the essential steps involved in the process of getting a design patent. From understanding the basics of design patents to conducting a prior art search, engaging a patent attorney, preparing the application, navigating the examination process, and finally, the issuance and maintenance of the design patent, each stage plays a crucial role in the successful acquisition and protection of your design.

Design patents provide exclusive rights and legal protection for the ornamental design of a functional object. By securing a design patent, you can prevent others from making, using, or selling products that infringe upon your protected design. This gives you a competitive advantage, enhances your brand identity, and allows you to capitalize on your innovative creations.

Once a design patent is granted, it is important to maintain and manage the patent effectively. Paying the necessary fees, marking the product with the design patent number, and actively monitoring the market for potential infringement is essential to protect your rights and enforce the exclusivity of your design.

In conclusion, obtaining a design patent is an investment in the protection and value of your unique design. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, conducting thorough research, seeking professional assistance, and complying with the requirements of the patent office, you can increase your chances of successfully acquiring a design patent. Remember, a design patent not only safeguards your design but also provides a competitive advantage and opens up opportunities for innovation, growth, and market success.

Read more:

Everything You Need to Know About Utility Patent Drawings

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